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Wednesday, 18 July 2012


I don't think I've blogged about TOYTs before so here goes. TOYTs are 'Thinking Of You Tokens' which were created by me to help my son who has autism to get through his day at school.

A TOYT is a hand crafted Fimo disk about the size of a £1 coin but slightly thicker and weighing approximately 5 grams. It is varnished to give a smooth and tactile finish. The idea is that the token is given to someone who is feeling down or lonely to remind them that they are not forgotten. The size is intentionally small to fit discreetly in a pocket so that when the recipient is feeling down they can feel the TOYT and remember they are being thought of.

This has helped my son tremendously at school and was also featured in the National Autistic Society's 'Communication' magazine. Although particularly useful for children with special needs, TOYTs also make great and unique gifts for anyone. TOYTs are sold in pairs so that you have a replacement if the first one goes missing. They are available in single colours or multi-coloured.

TOYTs are currently available to buy through Ebay:

Sunday, 8 July 2012


It's been a while since I blogged about my book and it's now available in more formats so I'm blogging about it again!

Faithfully Parenting Autism is the book I wrote to help fellow Christian parents of children with autism. It tells our story and offers practical help and advice on how to parent effectively, not excusing bad behaviour because of autism but helping parents to recognise where autism ends and bad behaviour starts.

The book has sold in the UK & USA and is now available as a paperback from or amazon and as an ebook from or through the iBookstore (prices vary). The book was also recently reviewed by The Good BookStall who were very complimentary & who now recommend it on their website (review below).

If you know anyone who could benefit from this, please pass on the details. Thanks!

GoodBookStall Review:If only we had this book to hand when we first realised there was a problem with autism within the family!
Nicola Maybury has written from first hand experience of learning to deal with an autistic child. Her suggestions are full of sound common sense based on what she has learnt about the subject and what she has done to cope with the very special needs of her autistic son.
I recognised so much of what she has written. Page after page I thought, ‘Yes, that is just how it is – if only we had been able to read this book earlier’.
This is a Mother sharing what she has learnt, not pretending to know it all but offering a helping hand to other struggling families. Her guidance on teaching her son about Jesus and a loving God and her invention of a TOYT(Thinking of you token) are excellent and worthy of wide publicity.
If you think your child has a behavioural problem then it is well worth your while looking at this quite short but very clearly written title.
Available from

Reviewer: Mary Bartholomew (07/07/12)