Again it's been a massively long time since I posted but I suppose that's the way it is when you have a special needs child.
Sam is now 12 and his main struggle is anxiety and panic. He's started having panic attacks and worries about everything. Will he get ill? Does he have cancer? Does he have appendicitis? Will he die today? Is his heart too fast? Every little feeling in his body is interpreted as a possible catastrophic illness. He's also started panicking about having to go anywhere - school, church, in a car, into most buildings, restaurants etc. He's missed lots of school and struggles to get there every day.
It's draining behaviour. He's exhauseted and we're exhausted. He questions everything (often numerous times) for reassurance, but he's never reassured. We're in very close contact with school and the SENCo has been great. We've also taken him to see the GP who recommended counselling and contacted the Paediatrician who is sending some resources to try and help.
This isn't a very positive post but I wanted to check in and will try to update the blog more regularly than I've been able to recently. I think the best thing to do in this situation is try to get as much help and advice as possible. I'm researching everything I can think of. Any advice from other parents, greatly received! Thanks!